Saturday, February 12, 2011

Tribal clashes in Sindh

Tribal clashes in Sindh

1 comment:

  1. The tribal clashes in Sindh is order of the day for long now. Jirgas n its decisions can still be seen in rural parts particularly when a clash between two tribes erupt. This is what our judiciary can not contain no matter how effective it deems itself to be. The fact is that long judicial course is a main cause for victims to find other options, the Jirgas being the most authentic one.
    We should clearly understand that our judiciary has to a play a major and active role in our 'Urban society' whereas it has a minimal effect on rural culture and its people shacked in feudal system of a Cheif/Sardar. Thousands of cases from rural areas are still being settled outside the courts, and interestingly a major portion of those cases don't even reach the courts. Cases of tribal and clan disputes are one such example.
